Reacting Appropriately to Others - Social Skills Lesson
This mind map focuses on social skill instruction and explores questioning that encourages students to think critically and go beyond surface answers. Entitled, Reacting Appropriately to Others, this mind map helps students to consider moral and ethical questioning regarding being a part of society.
Reacting Appropriately to Others -
Social Skills Lesson
EQ: When would one's reaction
affect others?
Essential Question:
Students think about reactions to others, both positive and negative, and determine if and when their reaction affects others behavior/reaction/response in turn.
Who benefits from
Unit Question:
Students love to see the benefit of things, we all do. This question leads students to consider all the possible people that could be affected by working together.
Do groups that set common goals get more
Content question:
This question appears simple though is nuanced depending on how those group members collaborate and react to one another.
EQ: Who is responsible
for setting social norms
regarding behavior?
Essential Question:
Students are tasked with determining who is responsible for social norm setting.
Could ethical
behavior ever be considered
Unit Question:
This question provokes students to consider something usually regarded as good being thought of as bad.
What are the characteristics of good and bad behavior?
Content Question:
Although most specific in nature, this question provides student debate over characteristics of behaviors.
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This video relates to my middle school students because the topic shows that reactions do affect others emotions and reactions to them.