Language, Teaching, Learning


Mapa Mental sobre Language, Teaching, Learning, creado por angie daniela el 12/09/2019.
angie daniela
Mapa Mental por angie daniela, actualizado hace más de 1 año
angie daniela
Creado por angie daniela hace más de 5 años
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Resumen del Recurso

Language, Teaching, Learning
  1. Methodology
    1. Improving the use of teaching-learning
      1. Conversation partners
        1. Pedagogical practice
        2. Curriculum
          1. A language program is carried out. Different linguistic objectives
          2. Native Language
            1. Model b-learning change the traditional way of teaching
              1. Communication and interaction about each teacher, student, and vice versa learning
                1. Dynamic Classes
                2. Strengthen self-learning
                  1. Cooperative learning
                    1. Interpersonal communication
                      1. Self-esteem and motivation
                        1. Motivation
                          1. Playful activities
                          2. The Audiolingual method
                            1. New material is presented in dialogue form
                              1. Structures patterns are taught using repetitive drills
                            2. Community language, learning-teaching
                              1. The grammar translation method
                                1. Much vocabulary is taught in the forms of lists of isolated words
                                  1. Reading of difficult classical texts is begun early
                                2. Memorization of structure-based dialogues
                                  1. The nature of language learning, and the applicability of both to pedagogical settings
                                    1. Method: Set of classroom specifications to achieve linguistic objectives
                                      1. Grammar was taught inductively
                                        1. correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized
                                      2. This approach is fluent in a conversation
                                        1. the student repeats dialogues and makes transformations by giving new information.
                                        2. Cognitive learning
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