

Mapa Mental sobre Trademarks, creado por Richard Alexander Blanco Gomez el 21/09/2019.
Richard Alexander Blanco Gomez
Mapa Mental por Richard Alexander Blanco Gomez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Richard Alexander Blanco Gomez
Creado por Richard Alexander Blanco Gomez hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. student richard alexander blanco gomez group 65 20 september 2019
    1. Step 1: KNOW TRADEMARKS The trade name of a product that is recognized by law and may only be used by the manufacturer who has registered it.
      1. Step 2: CONSULT THE ASO TRADEMARK BACKGROUND Before filing an application make a trademark background check to find out if there are similar or identical trademarks registered or pending can hinder the registration of your trademark, since during the registration process the mark applied for may be denied by another that has previously been registered by a third party.
        1. Step 3: CLASSIFICATE PRODUCTS AND/OR SERVICES: The Nice International Classification is a classification of goods and services that applies for the registration of trademarks. It is necessary to make an appropriate choice of classification of the goods or services to be identified with the mark.
          1. MSG Product and Service Manager
            1. TM CLASS
              1. Electronic Filing: Virtual Office of Industrial Property SIPI
                1. Physical presentation: Points of attention
                  1. Fees or prices for a trademark registration
                    1. Formats for processing distinctive signs
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