(6) Racial and ethnic represented in Govt


A level ((4) Racial and Ethnic Politics) US Politics - 3C Mapa Mental sobre (6) Racial and ethnic represented in Govt, creado por Marcus Danvers el 03/02/2015.
Marcus  Danvers
Mapa Mental por Marcus Danvers, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Marcus  Danvers
Creado por Marcus Danvers hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

(6) Racial and ethnic represented in Govt
  1. 1965 Voting Rights Act
    1. Prohibits discrimination in voting
      1. Prohibits any state or local government imposing ‘voting qualification or prerequisite to voting, or standard, practice, or procedure ... in a manner which results in a denial or abridgement of the right to vote on account of race or language minority status’ Read Bennett 182 to explain what majority-minority districts are and why they were brought into effect after the Voting Rights Act (1965)
      2. "Majority-minority districts"
        1. Electoral districts in which a majority of residents are from a specific racial minority group
          1. With the adoption of this strategies - increase in minority groups elected
            1. Hispanic members - 9 in 1992, 27 in 2009 (2 Hispanic senators)
          2. Senate First's
            1. Obama 3rd black person to be elected to Senate
              1. Hawaii has elected 5 Asian-Americans - Mazie Hirono elected 2012
                1. Sam Hayakawa 1st to be elected on the mainland
                2. 3 Hispanic senators
                  1. New Mexico elected 3 Hispanics
                  2. Most recent Native American Senator, Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado served 2 terms one half as Dem then Rep
                  3. Representatives 113th Congress (2013-14)
                    1. African-Americans 41, 31 Hispancis, 11 Asian-Americans
                    2. Minorities and Presidential elections
                      1. Black Candiates
                        1. Blacks would vote for Democrat - started with Roosevelt New Deal
                          1. Would stand almost always for Dem
                            1. Shirley Chisholm 1972, first major black candiate in the presidency, won 152 delegates in the Democratic National Convention
                              1. Jesse Jackson 1984, 3 million votes Democratic primaries, first to win a major party presidential primary
                                1. Ran again in 1988 and won 11 primaries and caucuses
                                2. Obama-Biden ticket got 95% of Black vote
                                3. Hispanic vote
                                  1. Significant in swing states Florida and new Mexico
                                    1. Republican lost there votes in 2008 and 2012 points fell by 12% then 4%
                                    2. Minority policy priorties
                                      1. White voters Terrorism 25%
                                        1. Black and Hispanic voters economy 33% and 22%
                                      2. Minorities and the Executive
                                        1. African-American Executive
                                          1. Robert Weaver 1st African-American to be head of executive department 1966
                                            1. 16 others have followed, Patricia Roberts Harris holding 2 posts
                                              1. 2001 when African-American was appoint to top-tier - Colin Powell Secretary of State
                                              2. Obama most diverse
                                                1. 1 African American, 2 Hispanics, 2 Chinese-Americans, 1 Japanese American, 1 Lebanese-American
                                                2. Federal civil service
                                                  1. 1990, 72.7% were white
                                                    1. 2010, 65.4% were white
                                                      1. Hispanic 5.4% in 1990 to 7.9% in 2010
                                                      2. Top pay positions: 83% white in 2010, 7% black, 4% Latino
                                                        1. 2007 Senior Executive Serivce Diversity Assurance Act.
                                                          1. Must make more diverse, but equal qualified
                                                      3. Minorites and the Judiciary
                                                        1. Thurgood Marshall first Black Member of Supreme Court
                                                          1. Replaced by another Black Judge in 1991 Clarence Thomas
                                                          2. 1986 first Italian-American (Antonin Scalia)
                                                            1. 2006 joined by Italian-American Samuel Alito
                                                            2. 2009 first Hispanic Justice Sonia Sotomayor
                                                              1. 2000 83% of all Judges were white (75% of pop), 9% black, 4.5% Hispanic
                                                                1. 89% of Lawyers were white, 4% Black 3% Hispanic
                                                                  1. Obama up to July 2012 - 18% black, 12% Hispanic and 7% Asian, making them the most diverse
                                                                2. Minorities and state and local government
                                                                  1. Douglas Wilder first African-American elected as governor 1990 (Virginia)
                                                                    1. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts (2006), David paterson of New York(2008)
                                                                    2. 2012 African-American 8% of state legislators
                                                                      1. 8 States had non
                                                                        1. Hawaii had 3.1% with pop making 1%
                                                                        2. 1967, Carl Stokes first Black Mayor of major city - Mayor of Cleveland
                                                                          1. 81 black mayors in 1970, 480 by 2000
                                                                            1. Svante Myrick Became first black mayor of Ithaca, New York
                                                                          2. Disenfranchisment
                                                                            1. States prohibts Felons voting for life (1 in 8 can then vote in AA)
                                                                              1. 1g of Crack Cocaine (more blacks use) or 100g of Powered-cocaine (more whites use) = 20 year of powered-cocaine
                                                                              2. War on drugs (institutional racism)
                                                                                1. Zero tolance - anyone count immediate primison sentence
                                                                                  1. Poor communities (minories) more likely to use . Stop and search likely to be stop if Minority (count with drugs)
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