

Mapa Mental sobre Trademarks, creado por Sonia Castañeda el 29/09/2019.
Sonia Castañeda
Mapa Mental por Sonia Castañeda, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sonia Castañeda
Creado por Sonia Castañeda hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Registration process
    1. National register
      1. Know if it apply as a mark
        1. See the trademark antecedents
          1. Classify the goods and/or services
            1. Submit the application
              1. According with the Instructions for the examination of registrability of marks
              2. Monitoring of the procedure
              3. International register
                1. Submit the "Basic application" in Colombia
                  1. If Basic apliccation is approved, submit the "International application"
                    1. Pay a rate of transmission to SIC
                      1. Pay the internacional rate
                        1. Monitoring of the procedure
                      2. Requirements and fees (online) 2019
                        1. Application for registration of a trademark: Between $43.500 - $925.000
                          1. Transmission, certification and shipment of international applications: $79.000
                            1. Request for extension of terms $138.000
                              1. Renewal of registration of trademarks $503.500
                              2. Office in charge
                                1. National register
                                  1. SIC
                                  2. International register
                                    1. SIC + WIPO
                                  3. Elkin Bejarano Olaya - 28/09/2019 - Group: 212032_22
                                    Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


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