The Tempest: Act 1 Scene 1


Mapa Mental sobre The Tempest: Act 1 Scene 1, creado por tamarhosking el 05/02/2015.
Mapa Mental por tamarhosking, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por tamarhosking hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Tempest: Act 1 Scene 1
  1. 'On a ship at sea. A tempestuous noise of thunder and lightning'
    1. Dramatic opening: creates disorder. indicates that the play will end in a return to order.
      1. Creates spectacle. It is deliberately impressive to end his play write career.
        1. Use of spectacle suits new Blackfriars theatre. It is likely Shakespeare took this into account.
        2. Directly influenced by William Strachey's eye witness account. The Tempest was written in a period of travel and discovery.
          1. The sea is a liminal space for Shakespeare to explore feared or taboo concepts. (magic)
          2. BS: "Work you then"
            1. Imperative, commanding the nobles
              1. Inversion of the chain of being
              2. Shows further disorder
              3. 'Enter mariners wet'
                1. Shakespeare creating realism .
                  1. Links to 'Writer's tale': 'Exit pursued by bears
                  2. M: "If by your art, my dearest father"
                    1. 'Art' is linked to skill and beauty (white magic). Perhaps to make Prospero a likable character as necromancy was feared and illegal in Jacobean society
                      1. 'dearest' is a superlative, suggesting M is respectful and affectionate towards her father.
                        1. 'Art' also implies intelligence, which would have been admired by the audience.
                          1. Immediately presents Prospero as in control
                          2. "... put the wild waters in the roar, allay them"
                            1. 'Wild waters' makes nature seem uncontrollable, yet Prospero causes the storm, thus proving his dominance.
                              1. Links to Francis Bacon's 'Of Revenge', describing revenge as a wild form of justice.
                                1. 'Roar' = onomatopoeic, further reinforcing violence and disorder
                                  1. 'Roar' also associates Prospero with a lion - a very dominant and feared aninal
                                    1. 'Allay them' is an imperative, suggesting Miranda is an active female. Yet, Prospero doesn't listen to her, therefore undermining her influence.
                                    2. "Without a parallel"
                                      1. Intelligence would have been admired.
                                        1. Perhaps challenging religion by suggesting he is superior to God.
                                          1. Hubristic, like Faustus
                                          2. "The government I cast upon my brother"
                                            1. The subject is active and therefore in part to blame for his overthrow
                                              1. "Links to King James' True Law of Free Monarchies. He describes the relationship between king and people as a 'father to his children'.
                                              2. Being usurped is far worse than being a bad ruler. James describes usurpers as 'monstrous and unnatural'
                                              3. "My library was dukedom large enough"
                                                1. Shows Prospero neglecting his ruling duties, thus showing he is in part to blame for overthrow
                                                  1. Less sympathy because Prospero chose magic over his duties
                                                    1. Library implies Prospero is a polymath, and 'excelling' in all subjects. Link Faustus.
                                                    2. 'Miranda helps him to disrobe'
                                                      1. Arguably Miranda is relied upon and therefore has responsibility and is seen as active
                                                        1. Miranda respectful towards Prospero, reinforcing the idea that he is the most superiour
                                                          1. Their respectful but patriarchal relationship is a display of order amongst the disorder.
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                                                          The Tempest Key Themes
                                                          Joe Brown
                                                          The Tempest
                                                          Dirk Weibye
                                                          The Tempest Context
                                                          Joe Brown
                                                          The Tempest-Learning quotes
                                                          The Tempest Critical Interpretation
                                                          Joe Brown
                                                          Characters in The Tempest
                                                          The Tempest - Context
                                                          Dirk Weibye
                                                          The Tempest Quotes
                                                          Brianna McCarthy
                                                          Key Quotes in The Tempest
                                                          Megan Jones
                                                          The Tempest - Context 2