Portfolio performance


Mas (Portfolio performance) AF4 - Investment Planning Mapa Mental sobre Portfolio performance, creado por Paul Dawson el 08/09/2013.
Paul Dawson
Mapa Mental por Paul Dawson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Paul Dawson
Creado por Paul Dawson hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Portfolio performance
  1. benchmarks
    1. establish long-term neutral position of portfolio
      1. overweight (if positive)
        1. underweight (if negative)
          1. comparison - to evaluate performance of manager
          2. Sharpe ratio
            1. limitations
              1. incorporates performance of underlying markets
                1. assumes volatility is an appropriate measure of risk
                  1. assumes SD normal distributions
                    1. skew / kurtosis
                      1. could underestimate risk of poor returns
                    2. higher is better
                      1. longer time-frame is better
                        1. a measure of risk-adjusted returns
                          1. looks at return over and above risk-free rate in units of SD
                          2. alternative investments
                            1. diversification
                              1. 2008:alternative assets fell broadly in line with equities
                              2. imperfect correlation with equities, bonds & cash
                                1. smooths overall returns
                                2. commercial property
                                  1. higher income than equities
                                    1. inflation hedge
                                    2. absolute return
                                      1. perform better than long-only when markets are weak
                                        1. 2008: still did not achieve positive returns
                                          1. generally deliver low but positive returns
                                            1. onshore
                                              1. regulated
                                                1. investor protection
                                                2. more transparent
                                                  1. UCITS III
                                                    1. able to adopt some but not all hedge fund strategies
                                                      1. leverage and shorting using derivatives
                                                        1. overall risk restrictions
                                                        2. must retain liquidity for redemptions
                                                      2. absolute vs relative return
                                                        1. trade at NAV
                                                        2. liquidity issues (2008)
                                                          1. commercial property
                                                            1. suspended redemptions
                                                              1. discounts to NAV
                                                              2. hedge funds
                                                                1. defer payouts
                                                                  1. 'gates' limiting outflows
                                                                    1. 'side pockets' to hold illiquid securities
                                                                  2. FOHF
                                                                    1. fees to FOFH manager
                                                                      1. can trade at discount to NAV
                                                                    2. passive investment / ETF
                                                                      1. advantages
                                                                        1. major markets are largely efficient
                                                                          1. difficult to consistetly outperform via active management
                                                                          2. majority of active funds fail to outperform index over medium/long term
                                                                            1. low buying / running costs
                                                                              1. lower TERs than active funds
                                                                              2. ETFs trade throughout market opening hours
                                                                                1. total return swaps tax advantage over dividend paying funds
                                                                                  1. counterparty risk
                                                                                  2. no stamp duty on ETFs
                                                                                    1. exposure to wide range of indices / assets
                                                                                      1. leverage
                                                                                        1. inverse indices
                                                                                      2. types
                                                                                        1. physical assets
                                                                                          1. derivatives
                                                                                            1. counterparty risk

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