
Mapa Mental sobre UNIT THREE, creado por sian250293 el 09/09/2013.
Mapa Mental por sian250293, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por sian250293 hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Commissioners
    1. Providers
      1. Clients or Service Users
        1. Some contribute financially (Clarice & Lyn)
          1. Some do not pay directly for the service (Ann & Angus
          2. private profit making companies like Somebody Cares
            1. Not for profit voluntary organisations
              1. They employ and manage the staff
                1. Contract with commissioners
                2. Agencies which contract and pay for services
                  1. Budget comes from local/national taxes
                    1. ensures service is delivered as specified
                      1. Commissioners are social services, community care, social work departments etc
                      2. Julie Borek - Director of Somebody Cares
                        1. Managing quality
                          1. Ensuring each member of staff is adequately trained
                            1. Monitoring and Spot checks performed
                              1. Ensure staff are prepared for their work
                            2. Direct Payments
                              1. Cash payment made by the government to fund individuals own carer
                              2. K101 PRINCIPLES OF CARE PRACTICE
                                1. Support people in maximising their potential
                                  1. support people in having a voice and being heard
                                    1. respect peoples beliefs and preferences
                                      1. support peoples rights to appropriate services
                                        1. respect peoples privacy and right to confidentiality
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                                El Cuerpo Humano
                                Diego Santos
                                Administracion de recurso de un proyecto
                                Inteligencia Emocional
                                TARJETAS ESTUDIO CUERPOS GEOMÉTRICOS
                                Ruth Pérez Sánchez
                                Capitales del Mundo y Curiosidades
                                maya velasquez
                                Novedades: Mapas Mentales de ExamTime
                                maya velasquez
                                La Guerra Civil Española
                                maya velasquez
                                Poniendo en Práctica el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas
                                Diego Santos
                                LEY 1/2000 ENJUICIAMIENTO CIVIL: "De los procesos matrimoniales y de menores" (I)
                                Miguel Angel del Rio
                                Elementos de la COMUNICACIÓN
                                COSTAS E RÍOS
                                Nuria Prado Álvarez