Topic 10:Spreadsheets


Mapa Mental sobre Topic 10:Spreadsheets, creado por tia fenn el 11/02/2015.
tia fenn
Mapa Mental por tia fenn, actualizado hace más de 1 año
tia fenn
Creado por tia fenn hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Topic 10:Spreadsheets
  1. A spreadsheet application such as excel can store all its data in a single file.This is called a workbook.
    1. A workbook is made up of one or more worksheets, A worksheet is a single tab in the spreadsheet workbook.
    2. Cells
      1. A cell reference always starts with a letter and ends with a number e.g. A5 or H28
        1. A range of cells is a set of cells in a row or column
          1. Data entered into cells can be different data types e.g. text, number, currency, date, percentage etc.
            1. Each cell can contain:
              1. Labels- any text in a cell describing the data in a row or column
                1. Data- any values that are entered for the use of calculation
                  1. Formulas and functions- mathematical calculations carried out automatically
                2. Formulas
                  1. Must start with an =
                    1. formulas perform calculation son the cell contents
                      1. formulas appear in the formula bar
                        1. The result of a formula is automatically recalculated every time the data on a spreadsheet changes
                          1. 4 main mathematical operations
                            1. + add
                              1. - substract
                                1. * multiply
                                  1. / divide
                                2. Funtions
                                  1. Must also start with an =
                                    1. Functions are part of spreadsheet software. They are specialised calculations built in to the spreadsheet software
                                      1. Function name describes what a function can do SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, IF.
                                        1. =SUM(D2:F7)
                                      2. formatting
                                        1. The content of a cell can be formatted
                                          1. Font style, size, colour, border style, aligment, cell colour.
                                            1. multiple cells can be merged into one cell
                                            2. Cells are often formatted to reflect the data that is held I them. Data types include:
                                              1. currency, number,
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