
GHL Health Conditions Mapa Mental sobre KLS, creado por Rachelle Howard el 11/11/2019.
Rachelle Howard
Mapa Mental por Rachelle Howard, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Rachelle Howard
Creado por Rachelle Howard hace alrededor de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Childishness
    1. disorientation
      1. can also display abnormal behaviours
        1. short fuse
          1. hallucinations
            1. Eye Pupil Dialation
              1. Sleeps excessively = hypersomnia
                1. Unable to access Nutrition + poor appetite
                  1. OR excessive food intake (= hyperphagia)
                    1. usually junk food +/OR containing wheat
                  2. Hydration - Unable to self Hydrate
                    1. Odd Behaviour
                      1. cognitive abnormalities
                        1. Unreality
                          1. Confusion
                            1. Dental Issues
                              1. Lots of KLSers end up with POTs
                                1. Safety Concerns + Risks
                                  1. Mood Swings
                                    1. Overactive senses
                                      1. especially when exposed to noise + light
                                        1. (photophobia + phonophobia)
                                      2. Affects Hypothalamus (part of the brain which controls sleep, appetite + body temperature)
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