High Functioning Autism


GHL Health Conditions Mapa Mental sobre High Functioning Autism, creado por Rachelle Howard el 11/11/2019.
Rachelle Howard
Mapa Mental por Rachelle Howard, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Rachelle Howard
Creado por Rachelle Howard hace casi 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

High Functioning Autism
  1. Communication Issues
    1. Overwhelmed Frequently
      1. May have difficulties maintaining relationships
        1. May find talking + listening difficult
          1. Neuro-Diverse
            1. Auditory Processing Disorder
              1. Sensory Processing Disorder
                1. Unusual or Unpredictable ways
                  1. Masking
                    1. Difficulty in making eye contact
                      1. May be seen as 'Aloof' by others
                        1. May appear'rude' or 'flippant'
                          1. Feels Overloaded often
                            1. Sensory overload Hypersensitive
                              1. Dislike of Noise + Bright Lights
                                1. formerly known as Aspergers Syndrome
                                  1. Lifelong Neuro-developmental disability that affects social + communication skills
                                  2. Sensitivities to Foods +/OR Bright Lights
                                    1. Anxiety
                                      1. Mood Swings
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