The Lovely Bones - Narrative Structure


Mapa Mental sobre The Lovely Bones - Narrative Structure, creado por robyn laurie el 05/12/2019.
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Resumen del Recurso

The Lovely Bones - Narrative Structure
  1. Narrated from the point of view of an omniscient narrator
    1. Sebold may use an onmniscient narrator so we can emphasise and relate with/ to the other characters.
      1. She is almost linked to the other characters
      2. Influence of the narrative structure:
        1. Gives us a insight into Susie's life - characterisation
          1. We develop a relationship with the narrator as Susie is engaging.
            1. Build an idea of the setting, as well as the character involved with the setting
              1. Atmosphere = eerie, uncomfortable and discomforting
                1. Setting = foreboding 'cold' 'winter's night' - cold hearted.
                2. We grow empathetic towards the character
                  1. We engage with the surroundings and herself.
                  2. Imagined storyworld:
                    1. Flashbacks
                      1. Shifts in time
                        1. Embedded narrative
                          1. Place deixis
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