ecosistems services


Mapa Mental sobre ecosistems services, creado por Dylan Gabriel García Bear el 16/01/2020.
Dylan Gabriel García Bear
Mapa Mental por Dylan Gabriel García Bear, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Dylan Gabriel García Bear
Creado por Dylan Gabriel García Bear hace casi 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

ecosistems services
  1. provicioning
    1. Provisioning services. Water, food, wood and other goods are some of the material benefits people obtain from ecosystems called ´provisioning services´. Many provisioning services are traded in markets. However, in many regions, rural households also directly depend on provisioning services for their livelihoods.
    2. regulating
      1. Regulating services are defined as the benefits obtained from the regulation of ecosystem processes such as climate regulation, natural hazard regulation, water purification and waste management, pollination or pest control.
      2. supporting
        1. cultural
          1. Supporting services are ones which enable the on-going structure of ecosystems to endure, as well as the living creatures, plants, and elements within them. From: Materials for a Healthy, Ecological and Sustainable Built Environment, 2017.
            1. Cultural ecosystem services are those "benefits" that we get from nature that you cannot touch: recreation, experiences, spiritual sustenance, a sense of place an so on. At large, they refer to the significance of nature in our cultures and for our well-being.
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