Big Ideas of Authentic Assessments


Mapa Mental sobre Big Ideas of Authentic Assessments, creado por Puiki Tsang el 27/01/2020.
Puiki Tsang
Mapa Mental por Puiki Tsang, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Puiki Tsang
Creado por Puiki Tsang hace casi 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Big Ideas of Authentic Assessments
  1. Performance based assessment: (1) Assess language proficiency&academic achievement (2) Contain SS process&products; teacher evaluation (3) Create criteria at the beginning of the course (4)SS can produce multiple responses (5)Do not overwhelm the assess objectives (6) Practical activities: Presentation/Role playing/Story retell/ Projects


    • Performance based assessment: -assess language proficiency&academic achievement  -contain SS process&products; teacher evaluation -Create criteria at the beginning of the course -SS can produce multiple responses  -Do not overwhelm the assess objectives Practical activities: Presentation/Role playing/Story retell/ Projects   
    1. Portfolio assessment: (1) Time-lasted progression (2) Collection and selection of SS works (3) Both SS and teacher can reflect on the portfolio (4) Bridge personal learning space&institutional learning management system (5) Promote sharing and collaborative learning (6) Practical activities: Checklist/Test data/Exercise sheets
      1. Initial assessment: (1) determent SS placement (2) examine SS current knowledge level (3) develop SS profile (4) support programming (provide advice) (5) Practical activities: SS oral test/ Writing sample/ Respond to pictures/ Interactive activity
        1. Ongoing assessment: (1) Learning & teaching monitoring & upgrading (2) Support planning and programming decisions (3) Track language proficiency and literacy development (4) Identify possible special learning needs (5) Practical activities: Quizzes/ end-of-chapter tests/Essay
          1. High-Stakes Testing: (1) Used to make essential decisions about SS (2) Standardized exam (3) This is only one of the assessments, students might know more than it shows on a test.
            1. Other names of Authentic assessments: (1) Direct assessment (2) Alternative assessment
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