Parts Of Speech


9th Parts of Speech Mapa Mental sobre Parts Of Speech, creado por reneellie1612 el 14/09/2013.
Mapa Mental por reneellie1612, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por reneellie1612 hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Parts Of Speech
  1. Nouns
    1. Person
      1. Place
        1. Thing
          1. Idea
          2. Verbs
            1. Action
              1. State Of Being
              2. Adjectives
                1. Describes
                  1. What Kind
                    1. Which Thing
                      1. How Many
                      2. Adverb
                        1. Describe Verbs
                          1. Tells How
                            1. Tells Where
                              1. Tells When
                              2. Pronoun
                                1. Takes the Place of A Noun
                                2. Preposition
                                  1. Brings two words together
                                    1. On, By, To, Of, In
                                    2. Conjuction
                                      1. Bringing Together
                                        1. Words
                                          1. Phrases
                                            1. Clauses
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