Automated Trading Systems (vs Floor)


Bachelor's degree (The Structure of Trading) Trading and Dealing Mapa Mental sobre Automated Trading Systems (vs Floor), creado por Vhia Rose el 14/09/2013.
Vhia Rose
Mapa Mental por Vhia Rose, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Vhia Rose
Creado por Vhia Rose hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Automated Trading Systems (vs Floor)
  1. Fairness
    1. Operational superiority compared to floor trading
      1. Trading scandals on floors in highly active periods
      2. Fair access to markets compared to floor trading
      3. System Capacity
        1. Matching technologies are more scalable
          1. 24 hr globally linked trading possible
          2. Negotiation Speed
            1. Transactions completed faster and more efficiently
              1. Oral trading is faster for negotiating trade sizes
              2. Exchange of information
                1. Floor trades provide more information about counterparties
                  1. Floor trading can establish intent of parties and know people who may want to trade
                    1. Electronic trades limit the growth of order size (adverse selection)
                    2. Transparency
                      1. Faster market data reporting to the public
                        1. More accurate reporting
                        2. Cost
                          1. Reliable
                            1. Secure
                              1. Fast
                                1. Lower operating costs
                                  1. Less labour intensive
                                    1. High development costs
                                    2. Immediacy
                                      1. Open outcry can cancel orders faster
                                      2. Liquidity
                                        1. Largest open outcry exchanges are highly liquid
                                          1. Electronic trading may be more liquid (not yet proven)
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