Approaches and Methodologies in ESL


Mapa Mental sobre Approaches and Methodologies in ESL, creado por Samantha Baker el 02/03/2020.
Samantha Baker
Mapa Mental por Samantha Baker, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Samantha Baker
Creado por Samantha Baker hace alrededor de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Approaches and Methodologies in ESL
  1. CALLA
    1. Three Componets
      1. Content or Topics to be taught
        1. Activate Background Knowledge
        2. Academic Language Development
          1. Anchor Charts
            1. Taken from:
          2. Instruction and using Learning Strategies
            1. Note taking
        3. Language Across the Curriculum
          1. Puts Language Learning and Content Learning Together
            1. It is important that the ESL teacher and the content teacher are on the same page academically speaking.
              1. For Example: The ESL teacher could be doing a lesson on asking to go somewhere. The ESL teacher would communicate with the content teacher and the content teacher could encourage and look out for specific vocabulary and actions from the student in question.
                1. It could also go the other way: The content teacher could be working on American symbols, and he or she will communicate vocabulary to review with the ESL teacher.
            2. Language Experience Approach
              1. Student's prior knowledge and experiences need to be used as a bridge to new ideas and concepts.
                1. Students talk about personal experiences and these experiences are written down to be used as reading materials.
                  1. Thoughts are written in the language the studwent presents thaem in
                    1. Daily News
                    2. Counting in Spanish
                  2. Balanced Reading Approach
                    1. Recognizes that students learn to read in more than one way, and integrates phonics instruction with authentic texts.
                      1. Phonics Instruction
                        1. Read Alouds
                          1. Authentic Text/Book Box Time
                        2. Process Writing
                          1. Students learn that there is a process to writing.
                            1. Thinking Aloud
                              1. Jotting/Organizing Thoughts
                                1. Develop a Draft
                                  1. Read Aloud/Make Changes
                                    1. Ask students for input
                                      1. Make More Changes
                                        1. Classroom become a writing workshop
                                          1. Cooperative Learning
                                            1. Students work in carefully selected groups to complete task or projects.
                                              1. The group setting allows the students to use a variety of social interactions.
                                                1. Students are a variety of English profiency levels and content knowledge.
                                                2. Gives extra practice to students who are language learners
                                                3. Inquiry Approaches
                                                  1. Activities are focused on the learner and the individual's understanding of ideas and concepts.
                                                    1. Activities are constructed by students to check understanding.
                                                      1. Usually associated with science.
                                                        1. Example: Habitats
                                                          1. 1. Students researched milapede's habitat.
                                                            1. 2. Students constructed the habitat.
                                                              1. 3. Students observed, discussed, and wrote about the milipede's habitat.
                                                            2. Standards-Based Instruction
                                                              1. Instruction that is based on the national/state standards for each content.
                                                                1. TESOL developed new and improved ESL language standards in 2006.
                                                                    1. Taken From:
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