Endo Materials


First Year Dentistry Mapa Mental sobre Endo Materials, creado por sanna pathy el 03/03/2020.
sanna pathy
Mapa Mental por sanna pathy, actualizado hace más de 1 año
sanna pathy
Creado por sanna pathy hace alrededor de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Endo Materials
  1. Direct pulp cap
    1. Setting CaOH
      1. Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA)
        1. Similar to Portland cement
          1. Powder + Water
            1. Bismuth oxide = radio-opaque
            2. Alkaline
              1. Anti-bacterial
                1. Encourages tertiary dentine deposition
                2. Biocompatible
              2. Irrigants
                1. Sodium hypochlorite
                  1. Most effective
                    1. Extreme soft tissue irritant
                      1. Need rubber dam
                        1. Avoid with open apex & perforations
                          1. Don't extrude through root apex
                          2. Disinfects & Dissolves tissue from canal wall
                          3. also lubricates
                            1. Chlorhex
                              1. Non-irritant
                                1. Alternative if no rubber dam etc.
                                2. Disinfects canal
                                  1. Not tissue dissolving
                                3. Lubricants
                                  1. EDTA = glide
                                  2. Intra-canal medicaments
                                    1. Non-setting CaOH
                                      1. Use
                                        1. In between RCT appts.
                                          1. Close open apex
                                            1. MTA use more now
                                          2. Bacteriocidal
                                          3. MTA
                                            1. Use
                                              1. Repair perforation
                                                1. Close open apex
                                                  1. Teeth with incomplete root development
                                                    1. Immature teeth
                                                      1. Trauma / lost vitality
                                                      2. Apicetomy
                                                    2. Biocompatible
                                                      1. Anti-bacterial
                                                      2. Poly-antimicrobial paste
                                                        1. e.g. Ledermix (not used now), Odontopaste (ZOE based)
                                                          1. reduce pulp inflammation to help pulp anaesthesia
                                                            1. Contains corticosteroids, sulphonamides, tetracyclines
                                                          2. Root filling
                                                            1. Bulk filling
                                                              1. Gutta percha
                                                                1. Composition
                                                                  1. Gutta percha
                                                                    1. Zinc oxide (radio-opaque)
                                                                      1. Resins & waxes (plasticiser)
                                                                      2. Thermoplastic
                                                                        1. Crystalline forms
                                                                          1. Beta form
                                                                            1. = normal/most used GP
                                                                              1. Stable & flexible at room temp.
                                                                                1. Less adhesive & flowable when heated
                                                                              2. Alpha form
                                                                                1. = 'Thermoplastic GP'
                                                                                  1. Brittle at room temp
                                                                                    1. Gluey, adhesive, flowable when heated
                                                                              3. Resilon
                                                                                1. Thermoplastic synthetic polyester
                                                                                  1. Needs specific sealer & primer = Resilon-Epiphany
                                                                                    1. New (little evidence)
                                                                                      1. Similar handling to GP
                                                                                    2. Canal Sealers
                                                                                      1. ZOE
                                                                                        1. e.g. Grossman's sealer
                                                                                        2. CaOH
                                                                                          1. Resins
                                                                                            1. AH Plus
                                                                                              1. Epoxy-amine resin
                                                                                                1. Long WT, thin film, anti-microbial
                                                                                                  1. Stains dentine (Ag)
                                                                                                    1. Contains formeldehyde (toxic)
                                                                                                    2. Diaket
                                                                                                      1. Polyvinyl resin
                                                                                                        1. Biocompatible
                                                                                                          1. Shrinkage
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