Becoming a Better Citizen


Civics Mind Map Assignment
Akaljot Uppal
Mapa Mental por Akaljot Uppal, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Akaljot Uppal
Creado por Akaljot Uppal hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Becoming a Better Citizen
  1. What Type of Citizen I want to be in the Future
    1. Participatory Citizen
      1. HOW?
        1. Participatory Citizens not only help volunteer, but they organize or lead a group to do these things, taking many leadership roles
          1. I can organize a group with my friends, or almost anyone, and lead them to help pick up garbage off the streets and clean up the environment
            1. I could also organize a small food bank in my classes, and then donate all the food collected to an actual food bank
              1. I can create a group of intelligent students my age and organize a free tutoring team for my school or just individual students
          2. Justice Oriented Citizen
            1. HOW?
              1. Justice Oriented Citizens identify, asses, and try to find possible solutions for many types of poblems and injustices related social problems, political, economic, etc...
                1. Research on reasons how students becoming too stressed can impact them in terrible ways, in the present time and in the future, and talk to students in classes to provide awareness on this info and how they can keep away from these consequences
                  1. Research on the reasons parents might beat their children and find alternatives of solving conflicts with children
                    1. Research and aware younger children on the importance and effects of global warming and ways to help the environment or to slow the process of global warming down
                      1. Research on why poeple are homeless and hungry in not only in our country, but other countries, and determine little solutions to make at least some change to this problem
                2. What Type of Citizen I am Now
                  1. Personally Responsible Citizen
                    1. HOW?
                      1. I obey and respect the laws in my commuties and country
                        1. I recycle objects that can be recycled to aid the environement for the future
                          1. I act responsibly in my community and other communities by respecting everyone and everything, no matter their race and sex
                      2. How I can Become a Better One in the Future?
                        1. Work
                          1. Working is a part of every citizen's life
                            1. It is a way of getting not only invovled in this community, but also helping your country
                              1. Paying the Bills
                                1. Once I get a job, not only will I get money, I can also pay the bills
                                  1. This is also very important because paying the bills allows me to get a home with power, water, and provides necesseties that are essential for living
                                    1. Paying the bills can also show your responsibility skills, since it is my responsibility to pay them
                                  2. Donate Blood
                                    1. Donating blood is a great way to get involved in society and becoming a responsible citizen
                                      1. I would not only be contributing to society, I would be aiding people who might need this blood to live
                                      2. Volunteering
                                        1. I have not been doing very much volunteering lately, and I think it is very important to do so to become a better Personally Responsible Citizen
                                          1. There are many opportunities that I can take to volunteer, from picking up garbage from streets to helping oranizations
                                            1. I could easily volunteer at my local community centre called Cassie Campbell during the holidays and summer
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