Introduction to problem solving


Mapa Mental sobre Introduction to problem solving, creado por Aparna Dhirde el 12/03/2020.
Aparna Dhirde
Mapa Mental por Aparna Dhirde, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Aparna Dhirde
Creado por Aparna Dhirde hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Introduction to problem solving
  1. Steps for Problem Solving
    1. Analysing the problem
      1. Developing an Algorithm
        1. Coding
          1. Testing and Debugging
          2. Algorithm
            1. Need of an Algorithm
              1. increase the reliability
                1. increase accuracy
                  1. increase efficiency
                  2. Characteristics of a good algorithm
                    1. Precision
                      1. Uniqueness
                        1. Finiteness
                          1. Input
                            1. Output
                            2. Identify this while writing an algorithm
                              1. input from the user
                                1. Processing to get the desired result
                                  1. output
                                  2. Representation of Algorithms
                                    1. Flowchart
                                      1. Visual Representation of Algorithms
                                        1. Difference shapes to draw flowchart
                                          1. Questions
                                          2. Pseudocode
                                            1. Another way of representing an algorithm
                                              1. Questions
                                                1. Benefits of Pseudocode
                                              2. Questions
                                                1. Verifying Algorithms
                                                  1. Comparison of Algorithm
                                                  2. Flow of Control
                                                    1. Sequence
                                                      1. Questions
                                                      2. Selection
                                                        1. Questions
                                                        2. Repetition
                                                          1. Questions
                                                        3. Coding
                                                          1. Decomposition
                                                            Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


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