How to be a good digital citizen


Mapa Mental sobre How to be a good digital citizen, creado por Alex Haynes el 19/09/2013.
Alex Haynes
Mapa Mental por Alex Haynes, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alex Haynes
Creado por Alex Haynes hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

How to be a good digital citizen
  1. Social networking sites
    1. Twitter
      1. Facebook
        1. Msn
          1. My space
            1. Whats app
            2. Staying safe
              1. Do's
                1. Keep profile safe
                  1. Only accept people who you think are friends
                  2. Don'ts
                    1. Get flirty
                      1. Accept everyone
                        1. Give out private information
                      2. Consequences
                        1. Posotives
                          1. Nobody can invade your profile
                          2. Negatives
                            1. Strangers will know private things about you
                          3. Notes
                            1. Dont cyberbully others
                              1. Know people before you add them
                                1. Check privacy settings regularly
                                2. Cyberbullying
                                  1. Dont tell strait away
                                    1. Wait for it to happen for longer
                                      1. Save your evidence
                                        1. Ways to deal with cyberbullying
                                          1. Change number
                                            1. Block the cyberbully
                                              1. Tell over a period of time
                                              2. Concequences of cyberbullying
                                                1. Bad
                                                  1. Everybody has a digital footprint
                                                    1. The police can track your phone
                                                    2. Good
                                                      1. It can get sorted
                                                        1. The police can help
                                                    3. Passwords
                                                      1. Change it every twice a year
                                                        1. Never share your password
                                                          1. Use a mix of letters,numbers and symbols
                                                            1. Password consequences
                                                              1. Good
                                                                1. Having a mixed password will take hackers years to hack because a computer only runs through 1 instruction at a time
                                                                2. Bad
                                                              2. Keywords
                                                                1. Cyberbullying
                                                                  1. Password
                                                                    1. Social networking sites
                                                                      1. Digital footprint
                                                                      2. Malware
                                                                        1. Always scan your network with an anti-virus
                                                                          1. Don't trust email attachments
                                                                            1. Check things that you are downloading
                                                                              1. Make sure your anti virus is up-to-date

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