Science &Textiles


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Nicola Lees
Mapa Mental por Nicola Lees, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Nicola Lees
Creado por Nicola Lees hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Science &Textiles
  1. New Fibres & Fabrics
    1. examples
      1. Kevlar
        1. Nomex
          1. Tencel
            1. Fastskin
          2. Microfibres
            1. synthetic
              1. Polyester
                1. Polyamide
                2. 100 times thinner than human hair
                  1. woven, knitted or bonded
                    1. Woven tightly to stop water droplets penetrating but let vapour escape
                    2. expensive
                    3. Micro - encapsulation
                      1. chemicals in fibres
                        1. antibacterial socks
                          1. scented lingerie
                          2. tiny droplet of chemical coated in a shell
                          3. Laminated Fabrics
                            1. two or more different layers
                              1. improve fabric properties
                                1. Goretex
                                  1. Waterproof & breathable
                                    1. outdoor clothing
                                      1. made by laminating this membrane between an inner & outer layer.
                                    2. Conductive Fabrics
                                      1. integrated electronics
                                        1. Conduct through; fibres or coatings
                                          1. washable switches
                                            1. control phones
                                          2. Smart Fabrics
                                            1. Thermochromic
                                              1. Photochromic
                                                1. Hydrochromic
                                                2. Nanomaterials
                                                  1. The future
                                                    1. Fibres that have been modified using nanotechnology
                                                      1. Carbon or synthetic firbres
                                                        1. Currently used for antibacterial fabrics
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                                                        GCSE Textiles - Design
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                                                        GCSE Textiles - Type of fastenings used in garments
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                                                        Fabric Construction
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                                                        Regenerated Fibres
                                                        Nicola Lees
                                                        Nicola Lees
                                                        Conductive Fabrics
                                                        Nicola Lees
                                                        New Fabrics & Technologies
                                                        Nicola Lees
                                                        Nicola Lees
                                                        Laminated Fabrics
                                                        Nicola Lees
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