

Mind Map ArthurH e FelipeB 8ma1
Felipe .
Mapa Mental por Felipe ., actualizado hace más de 1 año
Felipe .
Creado por Felipe . hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

      1. Capital = Cagiliari
      2. A=24,090 km2
        1. 1.640.793 People
          1. After an reflorestation plan, Sardinia island become the Italian region with the largest forest extension. (12,132 km2) or 50% of the island is covered by forested areas.
          2. Main language: Italian
            1. Romans, Greeks and Phoenicians conquered Saridinia thousands of years ago
            2. High life expectancy
              1. 82 Years
                1. Cancer and heart disease are relatively rare
                2. Good eating habits and constant physical activity
                  1. Organized Society
                    1. family is a priority, as are friends
                      1. good relatiotionship
                  2. Blue Zones
                    1. Places with high life expenctancy
                      1. People lead lives of constant physical activity
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