Nintendo Co., Ltd.


shifting from market-competing to market-creating strategy
Natalia Peña
Mapa Mental por Natalia Peña, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Natalia Peña
Creado por Natalia Peña hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Nintendo Co., Ltd.
  1. History
    1. 1549 Japan: Playing cards and games was outlawed
      1. 1889: Hanafuda or flower card game. Nintendo Koppai.
        1. Legalized card game
          1. Dominant game maker for decades
          2. 1959: Cards with Disney Characters
            1. 1962: Nintendo went pubic
              1. 1972: Nintendo Beam Gun - Partnered with Magnavox Odissey
                1. Electronic toy
                  1. High Margin Category
                    1. Maganvox: Fist video game console
                    2. 1983: Nintendos's first console Famicon or NES
                      1. A blockbuster
                        1. Immagination and innovation
                          1. Own characters creation
                            1. Created IP
                          2. 1989: Game boy
                            1. Best seller video game in history
                              1. Innovating and experimental system
                              2. 1990: Super Nintendo
                                1. Reasonably-priced hardware and imaginative software
                                2. 1993: HAL Laboratory rescue
                                  1. Two mega hits: Pokemon and Smash Bros
                                3. Competition
                                  1. 1993: Sony released Play station console
                                    1. 102M units sold
                                      1. $ 300 USD/unit
                                        1. Nintendo responded: Nintendo 64
                                          1. 33M units sold
                                            1. $ 200 USD/unit
                                          2. 2001: Microsoft entered X-Box
                                            1. 10M units sold
                                            2. 2002: Play Station 2
                                              1. 155M units sold until 2012
                                                1. Nintendo countered: Game Cube
                                                  1. 13M units sold
                                                2. Consoles evolution:
                                                  1. Focus on technology
                                                    1. High speed with realistic graphics
                                                      1. High definition sound
                                                      2. Complex and violent games
                                                        1. Adrenaline-fueled
                                                          1. Sport simulation
                                                          2. Expensive to produce
                                                            1. 2013: Sony and Microsoft consoles
                                                              1. Ever-faster and realistic gaming
                                                                1. Ultra high definition: Sound and Graphics
                                                                  1. Onine gaming, real time chat
                                                                    1. 2018: Sony 86M Play station 4 units sold. Microsoft 39M u
                                                                  2. 2007: Apple Smart phones
                                                                    1. Games Apps
                                                                      1. Wii boom to bust, squeezed by mobile platforms
                                                                        1. 2012: Wii U type of Tablet. Disaster
                                                                    2. *Red Ocean strategies*
                                                                    3. Blue Ocean strategy
                                                                      1. 2004: Nintendo DS. Creating market
                                                                        1. Low development cost
                                                                          1. Market oriented to people who care passionately about games instead technical features
                                                                            1. New Girls market with colour pink
                                                                              1. Smash Hit
                                                                                1. 154M Units sold
                                                                              2. 2006: Nintendo Wii Casual Games Market "Nintendo Revolution"
                                                                                1. Games that anybody can approach
                                                                                  1. Easy to start
                                                                                    1. Increase in complexity with player's skill
                                                                                      1. Wiimote: Controlled by motion instead of buttons
                                                                                        1. Less cost by reducing graphics and sound
                                                                                          1. Created brand new market, was not a substitute for the other consoles.
                                                                                            1. 101M Units sold
                                                                                            2. 2016: Pokemon Go Smash Success
                                                                                              1. Partnered with Pokemon Company and Google and funded Niantic
                                                                                                1. Augmented reality
                                                                                                2. Most popular smartphone game
                                                                                                  1. Nintendo produce mobile games
                                                                                                    1. Super Mario Run, Animal Crossing
                                                                                                  2. 2017: Nintendo Switch
                                                                                                    1. Reconstructed Market by capturing the best of high powered game consoles and smart phones.
                                                                                                      1. Multiplayers for one Switch
                                                                                                        1. Hybrid system: Portable device and docked system.
                                                                                                          1. 2018: under 20M units sold
                                                                                                            1. "Nintendo is mostly competing against itsefl"
                                                                                                              1. Continues to inoovate
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