Settlement Change Case Studies and Examples


Mapa Mental sobre Settlement Change Case Studies and Examples, creado por Alex Collins el 22/03/2015.
Alex Collins
Mapa Mental por Alex Collins, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alex Collins
Creado por Alex Collins hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Settlement Change Case Studies and Examples
  1. Changing Functions Over Time - Aberfan, Wales
    1. Aberfan started as an agricultural village, which grew in the bottom of the valley close to the River Taff, approximately 5 miles from the larger town of Merthyr Tydfil.
      1. 1
      2. During the industrial revolution, coal was found in the valley and the Merthyr Vale coal mine was opened in 1875. As a result the function of Aberfan changed - is became an industrial settlement, with the majority of people working the in the mine.
        1. 2
        2. In 1989 the coal mine closed and so the function of the village changed once again - it became a residential settlement.
          1. 3
          2. Today it is still a residential settlement. It is a commuter village with the people who live there working in local towns and cities such as Merthyr Tydfil. It is also a retirement settlement as the age structure of the population shows a large number of 60+ year olds. There are still a number of farms close to the village, but its main function remains residential.
            1. 4
          3. Attitudes Towards a Greenfield Development - Peakcock Farm Estate, Bracknell
            1. Housing Government Minister
              1. 'This type of development is needed due to the increase in population, particularly near London.'
                1. FOR DEVELOPMENT
              2. What Will be Provided?
                1. 14,000 new homes, 91 acres of country parkland, a doctors surgery and 2 primary schools.
                2. Bracknell Resident
                  1. 'The new apartments are stylish and have made that area of the town look more modern.'
                    1. FOR DEVELOPMENT
                  2. Bracknell Councillor
                    1. 'We were sorry to lose the greenbelt land but the development is good for the town, and it is bringing in more people and business.'
                      1. FOR DEVELOPMENT
                    2. Ascott Resident
                      1. 'I have to drive through Ascott to get to work. With all the new homes the traffic is terrible. It takes longer every day.'
                        1. AGAINST DEVELOPMENT
                      2. Peacock Farm Resident
                        1. 'It's really easy for us to get on to the M4 so it's still very accessible even though we're on the edge oof town. I like living on the outskirts away from the busy town.'
                          1. FOR DEVELOPMENT
                        2. Green Party Member
                          1. 'This development will mean more urban sprawl. Bracknell will soon be joined to Wokingham. What about all of the wildlife habitat?'
                            1. AGAINST DEVELOPMENT
                          2. Overall Response
                            1. Generally the response from central and local government is positive as it has provided some needed additional housing. However the Green Party is concerned about the negative impact on local wildlife due to the loss of habitat. Also, the general response from residents is positive. However residents in nearby Ascott are not pleased with the increase in traffic.
                          3. Attitudes Towards a Brownfield Development - Norwich
                            1. What Will be Provided?
                              1. An entertainment complex (including a 14 screen cinema and large shopping centre) - created jobs.
                                1. More than 200 residential units.
                                  1. New foot and cycle bridges across the river to give better access.
                                  2. Where?
                                    1. Large site south-east of the city centre; 17 hectares of brownfield land near the River Wensum.
                                    2. Norwich Resident
                                      1. 'The new redevelopment has really improved that area of Norwich. There are now entertainment facilities and the riverside is great in the summer for a walk along the new river paths.'
                                        1. FOR DEVELOPMENT
                                      2. Factory Owner, Norwich
                                        1. 'It was a shame to see the factory go as it was in the family for years, but we were not making money. The renewed building look great and blend in well with the area.'
                                          1. FOR DEVELOPMENT
                                        2. Housing Minister
                                          1. 'This was a great opportunity to provide a number of 1 and 2 betroom apartments for the rising number of young single people looking to rent and buy properties, while at the same time being able to improve the appearance of the area.
                                            1. FOR DEVELOPMENT
                                          2. Norwich City Councillor
                                            1. 'There was a cost in cleaning the land before the redevelopment could begin, but lots of jobs have been created and the area is now thriving so the benefits outweigh the initial costs.'
                                              1. FOR DEVELOPMENT
                                            2. Overall Response
                                              1. The response from central and local government was general positive even though there was a cost involved in cleaning the land. The response from residents is generally positive as the development has improved the look of the area, which should attract further investment.
                                            3. Rapid Growth in LIC Cities - Cairo, Egypt
                                              1. Reasons
                                                1. The Migration From Rural Areas to Urban Areas
                                                  1. Push Factors
                                                    1. Salaries are lower in rural areas.
                                                      1. Lack of employment in rural areas because of population growth and mechanisation.
                                                        1. The few jobs that are available in rural areas are part of the primary sector, and thus are physically demanding and have very little or no job progression.
                                                        2. Pull Factors
                                                          1. Governments are investing more in urban areas as they try to attract more TNCs, such as Disney or Nike.
                                                            1. TNCs have brought industries to urban areas, which have provided jobs.
                                                              1. The belief that life would be better in urban areas with better education and improved access to piped water and electricity.
                                                            2. A High Natural Increase in Population in Urban Areas
                                                              1. Many migrants are of child bearing age.
                                                                1. Lack of contraception.
                                                                  1. Improved medical facilities in urban areas means that infant mortality is lower than in rural areas.
                                                                    1. Life expectancy is higher due to better living conditions and diet - increasd from 41 years in 1960 to 70 years in 2010.
                                                                  2. Cairo's population grows by around 500,000 people per year.
                                                                    1. Impacts
                                                                      1. Air Pollution
                                                                        1. The air quality is very poor due to the 2 million cars and 200,000 motorbikes.
                                                                          1. The smog blocks out the sun's rays causing many children to lack vitamin D.
                                                                            1. 37% of people in the industrial area suffer from lung problems.
                                                                            2. Land Pollution
                                                                              1. 10,000 tonnes of solid waste is produced a day. Only 60% is collected. The rest is left to rot in the streets.
                                                                                1. There are large stockpiles of toxic waste from industry - as much as 50,000 tonnes.
                                                                                2. Water Pollution
                                                                                  1. 23% of the population do not have access to a fresh water supply.
                                                                                    1. 25% of people are not connected to the public sewage system.
                                                                                    2. Noise Pollution
                                                                                      1. A huge amount of noise is created by the traffic - 2 million cars and 200,000 motorbikes.
                                                                                        1. Loud speakers calling Muslims to prayer.
                                                                                          1. Noise of nightclubs along the River Nile. Particularly bad in the Saraya Al Gezira district.
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