The Enviroment


environmental problems and solutions
Mercadé i Vives
Mapa Mental por Mercadé i Vives, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Mercadé i Vives
Creado por Mercadé i Vives hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Enviroment
  1. Environmental Solutions
    1. Recycling
      1. Clean energys
        1. Hidrogen fuels
          1. Solar panels
            1. Wind turbines
              1. Hydroelectric power
              2. Energy Saving
                1. Insulations
                  1. Energy saving lightbulbs
                  2. Politicians
                    1. Support NPO
                      1. Vote respectful political parties
                        1. Separate oil from state
                          1. Educate new generation
                        2. Environmental Problems
                          1. Pollution
                            1. causes
                              1. dumps/waste
                                1. Battery pack
                                  1. fuel
                                    1. Traffic jams
                                      1. CO2
                                      2. gas
                                        1. coal
                                        2. wasting energy
                                        3. consequences
                                          1. non-atmospheric
                                            1. floods
                                              1. coral reefs dying
                                                1. sea levels rising
                                                  1. giant ice chunks melting
                                                  2. atmospheric
                                                    1. extreme weather conditions
                                                      1. ozone layer breaks
                                                        1. freak storms
                                                          1. heat waves
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                                                    Environment documentary: An inconvenient truth quiz
                                                    Cristina Vargas
                                                    THE ENVIRONMENT
                                                    Natalia Fernandez
                                                    All about alternative energies
                                                    juan david montañez valbuena
                                                    AIR, WEATHER AND POLLUTION.
                                                    Cristina López Serrano
                                                    THE ENVIRONMENT
                                                    Fernando Rodríguez Moral
                                                    Unit 2 - Living thing in their environment
                                                    Patricia Álvaro
                                                    Environmental problems
                                                    María Valdés