The value today of future cash flows.
Avoid confusing Present value and Planned value
Net present value
Present value minus
cost over many
The project with the greatest
NPV is selected
Internat rate of return (IRR)
The higher is the better
Payback period
Select one with the
shorter payback period
Cost - benefit analysis
Benefit cost ratio
should be
greather than 1
Revenue is not the same as profit.
If benefit cost radio > 1 then benefits > costs.
if benefit cost radio < 1 then benefits < costs.
if benefit cost radio = 1 then benefits = costs.
Economic value added (EVA)
The project returns to the project more value than the initiative cost?
Is not the same as Earn Value Analisys
The project returns
more value than the
initiative cost?
Opportunity cost
Is the value of the
project not selected
Project A $45000
Project B $85000
Project Selectd = Project B
Opportunity cost = $45000
Sunk cost
Expended cost
Is the over cost of the project and not should be considered when deciding whether to continue a troubled project
Law of Dimishing returns
A certain point, adding more inputs will
not increase productivity
working capital
Is the amount of money the company has available to invest
Straight line depreciation
The same amount of depreciation is taken each year