Origin and Evolution of Earth


Mapa Mental sobre Origin and Evolution of Earth, creado por Caira Hereda el 29/03/2015.
Caira Hereda
Mapa Mental por Caira Hereda, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Caira Hereda
Creado por Caira Hereda hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Origin and Evolution of Earth
  1. Origins
    1. How did Earth and other planets form?
      1. Sun and planets all coalesced out of the same nebular cloud
      2. What happened during Earth’s “dark age”?
        1. Creation of Earth’s Moon
          1. Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and differentiated layers of core, mantle, and outer crust developed
          2. How did life begin?
            1. Darwin: new species arise by the modification of existing ones
              1. Scientists: Life came from nonliving precursors
            2. Earth’s Interior
              1. How does it work, and affect the surface?
                1. Their internal and surface processes gradually change
                  1. Development of mountains and volcanoes
                  2. Why does Earth have plate tectonics and continents?
                    1. Continents: features that make Earth habitable
                      1. Plate Tectonics: Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, the formation of mountains, and the slow drift of continents over Earth’s surface.
                      2. How are Earth processes controlled by material properties?
                        1. by the high pressures and temperatures of Earth’s interior,
                          1. by the enormous size of the planet structures
                            1. by the long expanse of geological time,
                          2. Earth’s Climate & Habitability
                            1. What causes climate to change and how much can it change?
                              1. Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases
                                1. Warming or cooling can occur in periods as short as decades or centuries
                                2. How has life shaped Earth and how has Earth shaped life?
                                  1. High levels concentration of oxygen
                                    1. Organisms catalyze reactions
                                  2. Living with an Active Earth
                                    1. Can earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and their consequences be predicted?
                                      1. We may never be able to predict the exact time and place
                                      2. How do fluid flow and transport affect the human environment?
                                        1. Depends on understanding fluids
                                          1. The next objetive is produce mathematical models that can predict the performance of natural systems
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