Cell Structure


(Cell) Biology Mapa Mental sobre Cell Structure, creado por deancurtin1 el 30/09/2013.
Mapa Mental por deancurtin1, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por deancurtin1 hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Cell Structure
  1. Plant Cells
    1. Under Light Microscope
      1. Nucleus
        1. Cytoplasm
          1. Cell Wall
            1. Cell Membrane
              1. Vacuole
                1. Iodine
              2. Animal Cells
                1. Under Light Microscope
                  1. Methylene Blue
                    1. Cell Membrane
                      1. Nucleus
                        1. Cytoplasm
                      2. Cell Components
                        1. Nucleus
                          1. Chromosomes
                            1. Controls The Cell
                          2. Cytoplasm
                            1. Jelly Like Fluid
                              1. Controls Organelles
                            2. Cell Membrane
                              1. Phospholipid Bi-Layer
                                1. Controls Materials Going In and out
                              2. Cell Wall
                                1. Cellulose
                                  1. Shapes and Supports the Cell
                                2. Vacuole
                                  1. Contains Cell Sap
                                    1. Storage of Materials
                                3. Types Of Cells
                                  1. Prokaryotes
                                    1. Bactaria
                                      1. No Nucleus
                                        1. Single Cells
                                          1. Only 1 Membrane
                                          2. Eukaryotes
                                            1. Have Nucleus
                                              1. More Than 1 Membrane
                                                1. More Advanced
                                              2. Cell Ultra Structure
                                                1. Mitochondria
                                                  1. Energy
                                                  2. Chloroplasts
                                                    1. Photosynthesis
                                                    2. Ribosomes
                                                      1. Make Protein
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