Computer Control


Advantages and disadvantages Also includes the Input, Process and Output
Mapa Mental por kacper040700, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por kacper040700 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Computer Control
  1. Advantages
    1. Can work for 24hours a day without a break
      1. Can work without holidays or sick breaks
        1. Works for free, No wages
          1. Can repeat actions accuretly over and over again
            1. Can process data from sensors very quickly
            2. Disadvantages
              1. The Software for the control system is specialist and can cost alot of money to be developed
                1. If the computer beaks or stops working the software won't work.
                  1. The software can't react to unexpected events that could happen
                    1. It can only do what it has been programed to do
                    2. It won't work if there is a power cut
                      1. People might want to have a human expert to do it instead although computer control softwares can do the job just as well
                        1. e.g
                          1. Pilot
                      2. What is it?
                        1. Computer control means that the computer is part of a control system. The computer is normal used to run the control program. "Computer" is used very loosely as it can be a microchip or processor embedded with the equiptment.
                        2. Sensors (input)
                          1. ADC analouge to digital converter (Process)
                            1. The computer on takes in the values "0" or "1", the ADC converts the information from Analouge to digital which is waves to numbers.
                              1. Output
                                1. Once the process has be done the action will take place depending on what it was programed to do
                                  1. e.g
                                    1. If it's too cold the windows will close or if it's too hot they heating will be turned off etc.
                              2. A sensor is a device that messures an action for example a matt that detects someone stepping on it or a heat sensor that checks for certin tempecture
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