Vulnerability,Adaptation, and Mitigation.


Elisa  Villanueva
Mapa Mental por Elisa Villanueva, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Elisa  Villanueva
Creado por Elisa Villanueva hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Vulnerability,Adaptation, and Mitigation.
  1. Vulnerability
    1. the level to which a system is susceptible to, or unable to withstand, the adverse effects of climate change, incluiding climate variability and extreme events, Vulnerability is a function of the character, magnitud, and speed of the climatic variation rhat a system is exposed to.
      1. Vulnerability in Honduras: National and international experts rank Honduras among the 5 countries most vulnerable to the effect of climate change. Honduras has suffered from the year 1931 to the present more than 60 extreme climatic events between flood, storms, landslide,guides, earthquakes etc.
        1. Factors that contribute to increased vulnerability: 1. Greenhouse gases. 2.Climate change and hydrological cycle. 3. Essence of a forest policy 4. Lack of energy solutions for the rural population 5. Forest weakened by fire.
    2. Mitigation
      1. The impact of climate change is one of the biggest challenges in the year to come, the action, until now has been slow and insufficient in relation tothe needs , mitigation includes the set of measure that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve sources of carbon capture.
        1. Events: 1. Geological, like an earthquake or tsunami. 2. Hydrological, flood, drought. 3. Sanitary 4. Incidental events such as: fire. 5. It is saying no to vulnerability.
          1. Mitigation measures: 1. Hazard mapping, 2. Flood plain mapping, 3. Implementing and enforcing building codes, 4. Adoption and enforcement of land use and zoning practices, 5. Reinforced tornado safe rooms, 6. Raising of homes in flood-prone areas.
      2. Adaptation
        1. As it seems inevitable that climate change will produce significant effects, it is essential that countries and communities take practical measures to protect themselves from probable damage and disruption. this is what is known in international jargon with the term adaptation.
          1. Adaptation to climate chanfe is a long-term, integrated and continuous process. its purpose is to reduce vulnerability by promoting sustainable development, adaptation involves adjusting to the climate, regardless of weather it is due to climate change, climatic variability or specific events.
            1. Adaptation measures: 1.using scare water resources more efficiently. 2. adapting building codes to future climate conditions, 3. building flood defences and raising levels the levels of dykes, 4. developing drought-tolerant crops . 5. choosing tree species and forestry practicess less vulnerable to storms and fire, 6. setting aside land corridors to help species migrate.
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