
Primero Language Arts - Grammar Mapa Mental sobre PRESENT TENSES, creado por Cristina Maldonado el 17/08/2020.
Cristina Maldonado
Mapa Mental por Cristina Maldonado, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Cristina Maldonado
Creado por Cristina Maldonado hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. These various forms of grammar structures are used to talk about current and even future situations.
    1. There are four forms in the present tense and they serve a number of purposes
      1. Present Simple
        1. Structure
          1. Subject / Pronoun + infinitive = I work / you work / they work
            1. Negative: with the AUX DO +NOT - We don't work
              1. Question: with the AUX DO + SUBJ + VERB - Do they work?
            2. THIRD PERSON: Subject / Pronoun + infinitive+ S/ES = He/She/It works - He/She/It watches
              1. Negative: with the AUX DOES + NOT - She doesn't work
                1. Question: with the AUX DOES + 3rd PERSON + VERB - Does it work?
            3. Uses
              1. In the PRESENT
                1. Something that is true in the present Something that happens regularly Something permanent or that is always true
                2. To talk about the PAST
                  1. When telling a story. For example: "I was having coffee, when suddenly she comes and tells me she has lost her keys and needs my help". Also to summarize a book, play, film, or other media content. For example: "The Lord of the Rings is about Middle Earth...."
                  2. To talk about fixed situations in the FUTURE
                    1. When speaking about situations happening in the future that are fixed occurrences, like timetables, things that routinely happen, as well as something happening in the future after time words like IF, UNLESS, WHEN, AFTER and BEFORE
                3. Present Continuous
                  1. Structure
                    1. Subject + to be + main verb with ING
                      1. First Person: I AM workING
                        1. Negative: Subj + TO BE + NOT - I AM NOT workING
                          1. Question: TO BE + Subj + Verb with ING - AM I workING?
                        2. Third Person: He/She/It IS workING
                          1. Negative: Subj + TO BE + NOT - He/She/It IS NOT workING
                            1. Question: TO BE + Subj + Verb with ING - AM I workING?
                          2. ALL others: You/We/They ARE workING
                            1. Negative: Subj + TO BE + NOT - You/We/They ARE NOT workIng
                              1. Question: TO BE + Subj + Verb with ING - ARE you/we/they workING?
                        3. Uses
                          1. In the PRESENT
                            1. Activities at the moment of speaking. EX: I'm leaving work now.
                              1. Something which is happening before and after a specific time. EX: When I get home my dog is USUALLY sleeping
                                1. Something which is temporary. EX: She's staying here for the duration of her trip
                                  1. Something which is changeing growing or developing. EX: The climate is changing due to Global Warming
                                    1. Something which happens again and again. EX: She's always loosing her keys.
                                    2. In the FUTURE
                                      1. For future arrangements or plans. EX: We are having dinner at my uncle's house tonight.
                                  2. Present Perfect Simple
                                    1. Structure
                                      1. Subject + HAVE + Verb in Past Participle - I HAVE LIVED in this city for 10 years
                                        1. Negative: Subj+ HAVE+NOT + Verb in Past Participle - We HAVE NOT SEEN them in ages.
                                          1. Question: HAVE + Subj + Verb in Past Participle - HAVE they DONE their chores yet?
                                        2. THIRD PERSON: He/She/It + HAS + Verb in Past Participle - He/She/It HAS BEEn there for a while.
                                          1. Negative: He/She/It + HAS NOT + Verb in Past Participle - He/She/It HAS NOT SHOWN signs of progress
                                            1. Question: HAS + Subj + Verb in participle - Has she been here yet?
                                        3. Uses
                                          1. for something that started in the past and continues in the present:
                                            1. She has lived in Liverpool all her life.
                                            2. when we are talking about our experience up to the present:
                                              1. I've seen that film before.
                                              2. for something that happened in the past but is important in the present:
                                                1. I can't get in the house. I've lost my keys.
                                            3. Present Perfect Continuous
                                              1. Structure
                                                1. Subject + HAVE + TO BR in participle + verb-ING We HAVE BEEN watchING this movie
                                                  1. Negative: Subj + HAVE NOT + TO BE in participle + verb-ING We HAVE NOT BEEN listenING
                                                    1. Question: HAVE + Subj + TO BE in participle + verb-ING HAVE you BEEN callING?
                                                  2. Third person: Subject + HAS + TO BE in participle + verb-ING She HAS BEEN workING all afternoon
                                                    1. Negative: Subj + HAS NOT + TO BE in participle + verb-ING He HAS NOT BEEN listenING
                                                      1. Question: HAS + Subj + TO BE in participle + verb-ING HAS it BEEN workING?
                                                  3. Uses
                                                    1. to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now, making special emphasis on duration.
                                                      1. She has been working at that company for three years.
                                                      2. Without the specific duration, the tense has a more general meaning of "lately.
                                                        1. Lisa has not been practicing her English.
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