Reporting during the Crimean War


A2 level (Britain and Warfare) History Mapa Mental sobre Reporting during the Crimean War, creado por eharveyhudl el 16/04/2015.
Mapa Mental por eharveyhudl, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por eharveyhudl hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Reporting during the Crimean War
  1. 4 major impacts
    1. Expose how bad British government is at fighting the war
      1. Raise money for nursing and medicine
        1. Creates unexpected heroes such as ordinary soldiers
          1. Ruined some people's reputations e.g Lords
          2. Roger Fenton
            1. Photographer
              1. He was instructed not to record horrors of the war
                1. Technology did not allow him to photograph moving battles
                2. William Howard Russell
                  1. Reporter for The Times newspaper
                    1. anti-Turk and anti-french
                      1. Cannot have witnessed all the event he wrote about
                        1. Absent for the winter 1854-55
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