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Psychology B541
Mapa Mental sobre Psychology B541, creado por Grape el 17/04/2015.
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Resumen del Recurso
Psychology B541
Key Concepts
Information Processing: input, encoding, storage, retrieval, outout
Input: Information entering the body through senses
Encoding: Putting data into a format
Storage: Storing information
Retrieval: Retrieving the information
Output: Saying something or writing it down
Accessibility: problems occur when we can't get information into the memory, cant retrieve it
Availability: information is no longer in the memory
Core Theory
Multi-Store Model
STM: limited capacity & duration - info will decay or be displaced
LTM: unlimited capacity & duration - 25% of into that reaches STM goes to LTM
Sensory Store: info held until attention is paid
Decay: info fades over time
Displacement: info replaced with new info
Memory retrieval: repeating info
1. Too rigid and ignores individual differences
2. Over simplifies STM & LTM
3. Over emphasises role of rehearsal - not all info in LTM is rehearsed
Core Study
Terry 2005
Lab experiment
Procedure: commercials shown to 15 people
Repeated measures design
Whether ptp recalled commercials immediately or after a delay
Results: serial position effect - good recall of first few and last few. Middle ones were displaced
1. Lab exp lacks ecological validity as it was an artificial setting
2. Lacks construct validity - narrow measure
3. Demand characteristics - there were clear cues of what the researcher was trying to investigate
Alternative Theory
Levels of processing
Shallow processing: noticing only the colour - not processing deeper information. Less likely to recall
Deep processing: understanding - processing info for meaning. More likely to recall
Levels of processing: wrong to assume that memory is so limited - we can remember vast amounts of info in a short amount of time
Memory aids
Techniques for improving memory
Cues - to trigger info and memories through the senses
People recall info better if they are in the same context or situation
Visual cues
Key Concepts
Typical behaviour: considered normal - applies to the majority of people
Atypical behaviour: considered abnormal - applies to minority of people
Phobia: atypical fear response
Agoraphobia: fear of public spaces
School phobia: fear of school
Social phobia: fear of embarrassment
Acrophobia: fear of heights
Arachnophobia: fear of spiders
Heart pounding, sweating, feeling sick, dizziness
It's all about avoiding what you're scared of
Core Theory
People learn their phobias
Classical conditioning: learning by association
UCR: response is natural and doesn't need to be learnt
UCS: something that triggers a natural response
NS: doesn't trigger reaction
CS: triggers learnt response
CR: response that's been learnt through association
1. Ignores thinking behind behaviour
2. Phobia's can be learnt indirectly
3. Cannot explain the fact that some people have phobias that they have no direct experience of
Core Study
Watson & Rayner 1920
Little Albert, 9 months old
Hammer hit a steel bar and scared him
11 months old - Albert was shown a rat and the steel bar was hit
Results: By the end of 7 trials, the rat scared Albert in it's own and he would cry and avoid it
Fear of white fluffy things
1. Lacks ecological validity - artifical setting
2. Can't generalise data as it was carried out on one boy
3. Unethical - Albert was caused distress
Alternative Theory
Evolutionary Theory
Animals have evolved over time and instinctively behave in ways that allow them to survive and reproduce
Some things are more threatening than others
Doesn't agree that people are born with phobias
Behaviour Therapy
Reversing phobias
Flooding: clients immersed in their fear - works on specific phobias, but it can be dangerous
Systematic desensitasion: more ethical - form new associations for gradually
Implosion: client imagines worst situation rather than physically experiencing it
Key Concepts
Obedience - obey a command from an authority figure
Denial of responsibility: blame your behaviour on a higher authority
Defiance: don't obey the authority figure
Agentic state: you are an agent and not to blame
Core Theory
Situational factors
Setting: Milgram exp in a down town office - obedience decreased
Culture: Hofling - culture of nurses obeying doctors
Punishment: power to punish
Consensus: copy others - obedience goes up
1. Research lacks ecological validity - not real life
2. Research was unethical - caused distress and deceived them
3. Ignores role of personality - suggests that behaviour is always a reflex or reaction - we live on an automatic pilot
Core Study
Bickman 1974
Procedure: dressed up as a guard, milkman & civilian and asked ptp to pick up litter or give money
Findings: More obeyed when wearing a guard uniform - 89%, milkman - 57%, civilian - 33%
1. Lacked control of extraneous variables - ptp could have been deaf
2. Unethical - he didn't get consent from ptp
3. Experimenters were all male so it can't be generalised - women may behave differently
Alternative Theory
Authoritarian Personality
Sees world in black and white
Obeys authority and looks down on lower social class
Does not like ambiguity (when things aren't clear)
Fixed ideas of right and wrong, good and bad
Someone who is willing to be bossed around by people of a higher status than them
Key Concepts
Keeping order in institutions
Uniform - power and status or loss of identity
Punishment if a rule is broken
School: Detentions
Prison: Solitary confinement
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