American Art History


A-Levels SOVA Mapa Mental sobre American Art History, creado por Julia Lee el 05/10/2013.
Julia Lee
Mapa Mental por Julia Lee, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Julia Lee
Creado por Julia Lee hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

American Art History
  1. Realism (1860 - 1880)
    1. Impressionism (1880 - 1900)
      1. Realism: Ashcan School (1900 - 1910)
        1. Abstraction: Precisionism and Cubism (1910 - 1930)
          1. Realism (1930 - 1940)


            • - Struggles of the working class - Injustice
            1. Edward Hopper


              • - Exhibited at the Armory Show of 1913, then worked as a commercial illustrator and advertising artist. Then went back to painting - "I am interested primarily in the vast field of experience and sensation" - So much of every art is an expression of the subconscious, that it seems to me most of all the important qualities are put there unconsciously"
              1. Automat (1927)


                • - Detachment - Bleak silence - Outlines not harsh/geometrical - Dominance of dark empty space - Lights receding indefinitely into void - Hat on: no need for niceties
                1. Chop Suey (1929)


                  • - Leading lines in triangular composition - Hats: not staying very long - Disinterest in one another, also seen in man staring at cigarette - Doll-like, lifeless - Light from outside suggests vibrance - Shadows in restaurant suggest true nature of the city - FIgures trapped in the shadows, isolated from the city
                  1. Night Windows (1928)


                    • - Voyeurism - Vulnerability
                    1. Early Sunday Morning (1930)
                      1. Compartment C, Car (1938)
                        1. Nighthawks (1942)


                          • - "Nighthawks seems to be the way I think of a night street. I didn't see it as particularly lonely. Unconsciously, probably, I was painting the loneliness of a large city"
                          1. Sun in an Empty Room (1963)
                          2. Grant Wood
                            1. American Gothic (1930)
                            2. Dorothea Lange
                              1. Migrant Mother, Nipomo Valley (1935)
                              2. Hotel Room (1931)
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                      Key Paintings
                      Julia Lee
                      Movement Dates
                      Julia Lee
                      Duchamp, Boonma and Japar
                      Key Paintings
                      Benjamin Sonneville
                      Key Paintings
                      Jaszenovics Sándor
                      Key Paintings
                      Jaszenovics Sándor
                      Key Paintings
                      Jaszenovics Sándor
                      Duchamp, Boonma & Japar
                      Latín - Vocabulario Básico
                      maya velasquez