Intercultural Training with Films


I have to do a summary and mind map based on the journal I searched entitled as above.
Ebra Way
Mapa Mental por Ebra Way, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ebra Way
Creado por Ebra Way hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Intercultural Training with Films
  1. Films that deal with different patterns of behaviour
    1. Monochromic & polychronic perceptions of time
      1. Individualism vs. collectivism
        1. High vs. low context styles
          1. Formal & informal communication
          2. Using films in the classroom
            1. Activities
              1. Pre-viewing
                1. While-viewing
                  1. post-viewing
                2. An intercultural project involving film
                  1. For advanced students
                    1. A task-based & combined language learning with various key skills
                      1. Using internet
                        1. Composing film summaries
                          1. Presentation skills
                        2. Films
                          1. Great medium to teach English
                            1. hold the viewer's interest
                              1. Simultaneously address different senses & cognitive channels
                                1. expose the way people actually speak
                                  1. appealing
                                  2. facilitate intercultural learning
                                    1. Helpful for teachers to introduce lessons & activities
                                      1. Contain a lot examples of intercultural communication
                                      2. Using films for intercultural training
                                        1. Culture
                                          1. Deals with many subjects
                                          2. can provide useful preparation
                                          3. Culture representation in films
                                            1. Categories of cultural elements
                                              1. foster empathy with foreigners
                                                1. illustrate intercultural conflict
                                                  1. deal with racism
                                                    1. contain stereotypes
                                                      1. Cultural traditions & intergenerational conflict
                                                        1. Paraverbal & nonverbal communication
                                                      Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


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