Persuasive cycle


Mapa Mental sobre Persuasive cycle, creado por carolmcguigan07 el 05/10/2013.
Mapa Mental por carolmcguigan07, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por carolmcguigan07 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Persuasive cycle
  1. No 1 Rhetorical questions
    1. No answers needed to the questions
      1. Always end with a question mark
        1. At least three questions
          1. Always have a semicolon in between questions
          2. No 2 Facts & opinions
            1. Expert opinion
                1. The examiner does not care if the people or facts are real or not
                  1. 60% of...
                  2. No 3 Anecdotes
                    1. Story relating to the subject
                      1. Can be made up
                        1. Include you or people you know
                        2. No 4 Incentives
                          1. Say why people should do it
                            1. Rewards and prizes
                              1. "You will feel"...
                                1. How is the reader going to benefit?
                                2. No 5 Assersion
                                  1. Tell people to do something
                                    1. "You know you will"...
                                      1. Do this now and...
                                        1. Why don't you?
                                          1. You must!
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