

Mapa Mental sobre Biomimicry, creado por anna.b.hunt el 06/10/2013.
Mapa Mental por anna.b.hunt, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por anna.b.hunt hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Namibian Desert Beetle and the Sturo machine
    1. The Namibian desert beetle has lumps on its back that collect water from fog in the air. the water then runs down the beetles back from the bumps into its mouth. like the beetle, the sturo machine doest the same and collects water from the fog.
    2. Eco-machine and aquatic ecosystems
      1. The eco machine is used to turn dirty/oily water into clean and re-usable water. The eco-machine was inspired by aquatic eco-systems.
      2. Reed beds and water filtering
        1. In Marmul/Oman people have designed a water filtering system that can turn dirty water into re-usable water. There are four steps of reeds, the water runs down the steps and so the reeds take out any dirt and the water can be used again.
        2. Flamingo and Bidirectional turbine
          1. Based on the way a flamingo feeds, BiomiVal has developed a bidirectional turbine that can profit from the great energy that comes from the sea and show interesting increases of energy profit.
          2. Bio-power and Under-water plants
            1. An Australian company Bio-power systems have developed bio-wave, inspired by the underd water plants. a system that mimics the moyion of under-water plants to generate great amounts of electricity.
            2. Cactus water and Cowboys
              1. In very hot deserts such as the ones in America, there are cowboys. Sometimes these cowboys travel across the deserts to different places. They can run out of water aswell so in these hot deserts cactuses grow and cactuses contain water inside of them. So therefor the cowboys vut open the cactuses and refill or drink there water.
              2. Shark skin and Swimmsuit
                1. A sharks skin inspired swimsuits became very popular when a professional swimmer wore one and his swimming speed increased instantly.
                2. What is Biomimicry?
                  1. bio: meaning life/mimic: meaning copy/cry: meaning create
                    1. Biomimicry is when humans copy the ideas of nature to help the environment or come up with new ideas to solve problems of life.
                  2. Box fish and Car
                    1. the box fish is a very unusual shaped fish. Inventors realized that if it were a car, it would be a perfect shape for a family to be carried in.
                    2. Whale powered wind turbine
                      1. Humpback whales have bumps on their fins, these fins help them to glide through the water. DR. Frank fish at the uni of west, Chesterfield in Pennsylvania found out that these bumps made an animal as bid and as clumsy as a whale extreamly adgile. The bumps reduce drags and lifts the whales body more. Dr. Fish was inspired after descovering this, and so he invented what is now called whale power.
                      2. Very fishy wind farm
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