Advanced Computer Architecture


Undergraduate Computer Science Mapa Mental sobre Advanced Computer Architecture, creado por Deka Auliya el 23/04/2015.
Deka Auliya
Mapa Mental por Deka Auliya, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Deka Auliya
Creado por Deka Auliya hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Advanced Computer Architecture
  1. Introduction
    1. Hardware components
      1. ALU
        1. Control Unit
          1. Registers
          2. Program execution
            1. Instruction FETCH
              1. Instruction DECODE
                1. Execute
                  1. Memory Access
                    1. Write Back
                    2. Performance metric
                      1. execution time = cpu time = IC x CPI x Tc
                        1. clock period
                          1. semiconductor technology
                            1. datapath design and implemetation
                            2. instruction count
                              1. program
                                1. instruction set architecture
                                2. clocks per instuction
                                  1. isa
                                    1. datapath design
                                      1. parallel and pipelined HW
                                    2. indicator: execution time
                                      1. performance = 1/execution time
                                        1. total no. of cycles = sum(IC k x CPI k), k is a category
                                          1. average CPI = total cycles/IC = sum (wk x IC k)
                                            1. datapath
                                              1. multicycle datapath: CPI > 1
                                                1. pipelined datapth: CPI can bereduced up to 1
                                                  1. parallel datapath: CPI <1
                                                    1. VLIW/Superscalar processors
                                                      1. SIMD and multicore processors
                                                    2. speedup
                                                      1. speedup = execution time of A/ execution time of B


                                                        • 1. Speed up of computer B over A 2. Computer B is the enhanced version of computer A 3. The one being evaluated as divisor
                                                      2. throughput rate
                                                        1. response time/latency
                                                          1. MIPS
                                                            1. native
                                                              1. relative
                                                                1. peak
                                                                2. FLOPS
                                                                3. Enhancement
                                                                  1. reduce Tc ⇒ increase clock frequency
                                                                    1. power consumption ↑
                                                                      1. CPI may ↑
                                                                        1. memory wall problem
                                                                        2. reduce CPI
                                                                          1. instruction pipelining
                                                                            1. multicore processing
                                                                            2. reduce IC
                                                                              1. more complex instructions
                                                                                1. Tc may ↑
                                                                                  1. multi-issue processor
                                                                                2. power dissipation
                                                                                  1. dynamic
                                                                                    1. stati
                                                                                  2. ISA
                                                                                    1. Instruction format
                                                                                      1. R-format
                                                                                        1. I-format
                                                                                          1. J-format
                                                                                          2. adressing modes
                                                                                            1. register file
                                                                                              1. types of operations
                                                                                                1. ALU
                                                                                                  1. arithmetic
                                                                                                    1. logical
                                                                                                      1. shift
                                                                                                      2. Data Transfer
                                                                                                        1. load-store
                                                                                                        2. Control-Flow
                                                                                                          1. unconditional
                                                                                                            1. conditional
                                                                                                          2. memory address space
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