Factors affecting language learning


Mapa Mental sobre Factors affecting language learning, creado por Fani Morales G el 23/04/2015.
Fani Morales G
Mapa Mental por Fani Morales G, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Fani Morales G
Creado por Fani Morales G hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Factors affecting language learning
  1. Students are different and learn differently BUT teachers need to help them ALL be better learners
    1. Individual (Internal)
      1. Hemisphere specialization
        1. Left
          1. Right
          2. Age
            1. Child
              1. Adolescent
                1. Adult
                2. Gender
                  1. Male
                    1. Female
                      1. Leaders
                    2. Aptitude
                      1. Talent
                      2. Motivation Attitudes
                        1. Goals for learning
                          1. Make students want to learn
                          2. Personality
                            1. Self-steem
                              1. Extrovert/Introvert
                                1. Risk taking
                                2. Cognitive/learning styles. Preferred way of processing information
                                  1. Analytic. Active. Holistic. Passive.
                                    1. Visual. Auditory. Kinaesthetic
                                    2. Learing strategies
                                      1. Cognitive. Metacognitive. Memory-related. Compensatory. Affective. Social.
                                        1. Multiple Intelligences
                                          1. Musical
                                            1. Logical-mathematical
                                              1. Intrapersonal
                                                1. Bodily-kinaesthetic
                                                  1. Spatial
                                                    1. Interpersonal
                                                      1. Linguistic
                                                      2. Sensory Channel
                                                        1. Visual. Auditory. Kinaesthetic. Olfatory. Gustatory
                                                    2. External
                                                      1. Acquisition
                                                        1. Subconscious
                                                          1. Feeling of correctness
                                                            1. Input + low anxiety level =
                                                              1. Intake comprehension
                                                                1. Output Production
                                                          2. Learning
                                                            1. Conscious
                                                              1. Being aware and knowing rules
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