Principles of Evolution


Degree (Evolution) Psychology Mapa Mental sobre Principles of Evolution, creado por natalieclark29 el 24/04/2015.
Mapa Mental por natalieclark29, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por natalieclark29 hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Principles of Evolution
  1. Assumptions
    1. Brain evolved to solve problems found by ancestors
      1. Brain evolution is continuous
        1. The brain of each species is adapted to solve problems encountered by individuals
        2. Critiques
          1. 'Everything is an adaptation'
            1. 'Everything is genetically determined'
              1. 'Everything is explained by genes'
                1. 'Injustice is biologically explained'
                2. Behavioural Universals
                  1. Behaviours that have strong genetic components - must have been adaptive at some point
                  2. Levels of analysis
                    1. Genes -> nervous system -> behaviour -> culture
                    2. Methods
                      1. Twin studies
                        1. Comparative method
                          1. Cross-cultural research
                            1. Modelling
                            2. Tinbergen
                              1. Ontogeny
                                1. How do we develop preferences?
                                2. Proximate mechanism
                                  1. How does the preference work?
                                  2. Phylogenetic pathway
                                    1. How did the preference evolve?
                                    2. Ultimate function
                                      1. Why do they have these preferences?
                                    3. Natural selection
                                      1. Life occurred once; everything evolved from it
                                        1. Species evolve slowly and continuously
                                          1. Driven by variation
                                          2. The Selfish Gene
                                            1. Fate of the group is irrelevant to decision of individual
                                              1. Individual not always relevant
                                                1. Bodies come and go but genes survive
                                              2. Genetic variation
                                                1. Most gene variations don't affect the phenotype
                                                  1. Fragile X syndrome
                                                    1. Single gene origins are very rare
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