How successful was Collectivisation?


A Level History: Stalin Mapa Mental sobre How successful was Collectivisation?, creado por charlottekite03 el 25/04/2015.
Mapa Mental por charlottekite03, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por charlottekite03 hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

How successful was Collectivisation?
  1. Successes
    1. By 1941 98% of all Russian Farms were collectivised
      1. Grain exports rose from 0.03 in 1928 to 5 million tonnes in 1931
        1. Grain procurement rose from 11 million tonnes in 1928 to 23 million in 1933
          1. Chaos and fear of a civil war unites the Soviet Party and its leaders behind Stalin
            1. Urbanisation is accelerated: mass migration to towns and cities-19 million
              1. Provides a work force for industrialisation
              2. The peasantry is no longer a political force/threat as its no longer able to oppose the government
                1. OGPU/Secret Police are central to the Soviet State: Stalin's authority is enforced in the countryside as well as towns and cities
                  1. Stalin is reinforced as a political Leader
                    1. Blame was placed on Kulaks and 'peasant sabatoeurs' making Stalin look better and no longer guilty for famine etc.
                    2. Funds are provided for the First Five Year Plan in 1928
                      1. Industrial workers were able to be fed and therefore keep producing products/materials
                      2. Failures
                        1. Peasant revolts caused livestock to be killed
                          1. 1/4 of all cattle/pigs/sheep are destroyed by 1929 and horses are halved by 1931
                            1. Crops were burned
                            2. Grain harvests were worse than under the Tsar
                              1. 1913: 80 million Tonnes
                                1. 1925: 75 million tonnes
                              2. Famine/holodomov in 1931 caused: 7 million deaths
                                1. Dekulakisation caused a lack of skilled workers which the 25000 didn't replace having no understanding of agriculture
                                  1. 10 million sent to Gulags
                                    1. 2-3 million died in those Gulags
                                      1. 1929: 150,000 Kulak familes exiled
                                        1. 1931: 285,000 familes exiled
                                    2. Economic policy was chaotic and a lot of grain was left to rot
                                      1. Peasants lost the incentive to work with the farms not their own
                                        1. Standard of living for Peasants dropped.
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