Rent Strikes (WW1)


High School (WW1) History Mapa Mental sobre Rent Strikes (WW1), creado por CC410 el 27/04/2015.
Mapa Mental por CC410, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por CC410 hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Rent Strikes (WW1)
  1. At the start of the war many people moved to Glasgow
    1. This led to huge house shortages
      1. Landlords saw a chance to make a profit so increased rent
        1. Families who were already struggling and could not afford rent
          1. The Women's Housing Association was formed to resist rises
            1. Thousands of tenants refused to pay rent
              1. Workers from factories began to strike for higher wages which put pressure on the goverment
                1. The government introduced laws which froze rent at pre-war rates
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