League of Nations


Peace Making and Peace Keeping Mapa Mental sobre League of Nations, creado por emilymartin210 el 08/10/2013.
Mapa Mental por emilymartin210, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por emilymartin210 hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

League of Nations
  1. No Major Powers
    1. NO US
      1. wealthiest nation in the world
        1. only nation to emerge from war stronger
        2. NO SOVIET UNION
          1. thought league was conspiracy to destroy them
          2. NO GERMANY
            1. Didn't want to follow league's rules
          3. BRITISH vs FRANCE
            1. France wanted to surppress German Aggression
              1. Britain wanted to use conciliatory methods to ease tension
              2. PURPOSE
                1. resolve disputes with nations to preserve peace
                2. SUCCESSES
                  1. Aaland Islands
                    1. Upper Silesia
                      1. Greco-Bulgarian War
                        1. in all cases antagonists were small and incapable of much damage
                        2. FAILURES
                          1. Seizure of Flume
                            1. Italy invaded areas of Croatia with lots of Italians
                            2. Vilna
                              1. Poland invaded and took it
                              2. Russo-Polish War
                                1. Soviets invade Poland, Poland wins without help
                                2. Corfu Incident
                                  1. italian general and 3 others murdered in corfu
                                    1. Italy demanded retribution but Greece never found murderers
                                      1. Italy invaded to take over
                                        1. Greece appealed to the League but they couldn't stop Italy
                                          1. Italy eventually left (for money)
                                          2. In all cases, a major power refused to comply with the League of Nations
                                            1. GREECE TURKISH WAR
                                              1. Allies promised greece the western anatolian peninsula
                                                1. Turkish Leader (Mustapha Kemal) drove Greeks from area and persuaded GB to agree to new treaty
                                                  1. Soviets helped turkey and gave them money and supplies
                                                    1. Greeks held their ground
                                                      1. Greek sought help from LoN
                                                        1. France dropped their support and GB waned leaving Greeks exposed
                                                          1. Turkey ends up winning
                                                            1. in other disputes France and England ended up supporting either one side or the other
                                                          2. Why no one supported League of Nations
                                                            1. Depression
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                                                            How successful was the League of Nations
                                                            Scott Stephens
                                                            6) The Treaty of Versailles
                                                            The End of WW1
                                                            Izzy Noone
                                                            5) Aims of Peacemakers
                                                            The League of Nations and Hitler
                                                            Peacemaking and the League of Nations: The Treaty of Versailles
                                                            Dominique Bell
                                                            League of Nations
                                                            The League After the Depression
                                                            Scott Stephens
                                                            The Road to WWII (Part one)
                                                            Naomi Science
                                                            The League of Nations
                                                            Andrew Burke
                                                            World War I