Coastal landscapes case studies


Coastal landcapes case studies - Cromer and Happisburgh
Mapa Mental por Rhiannahutchinson_99, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Rhiannahutchinson_99 hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Coastal landscapes case studies
  1. Happisburgh
    1. Village of approx. 850 people
      1. Cliffs it is based on is made of soft boulder clay and erodes by 12m per year
        1. 457 million will be lost in tourist income
          1. Properties valued at £1
          2. Cromer
            1. Popular tourist attraction
              1. 7749 people live there
                1. Much bigger than Happiburgh and has many more attractions
                2. Similarities
                  1. Both on the North-Norfolk coast
                    1. Decisions were made in 1990 about them
                      1. Open to the North-Eaterly waves
                      2. Differences
                        1. Cromer has gotten a government grant for 8 million to go towards flood defences
                          1. In Happisburgh they have had to raised money to pay for rip-rap
                            1. Cromer - 'Hold the line', Happisburgh - 'Managed retreat'
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