Introduction - English and American Literatures


Mind map zu dem Buch "English and American Literatures" von Michael Meyer
Maik Seitz
Mapa Mental por Maik Seitz, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Maik Seitz
Creado por Maik Seitz hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Introduction - English and American Literatures
  1. What is literature?
    1. approaches for studying
      1. extrinsic
        1. to study mimetic image of reality
          1. pragmatic effect upon readers
            1. expressive origin within the writer
            2. intrinsic
              1. focus on the text itself
            3. Readers interests:
              1. the kind of world revealed by literature: aesthetic imitation


                • L. transforms conceptions of reality with aesthetic means (particular images, constructions of characters, sequences) -> comment about the "real" world
                1. mimesis (imitation of reality)


                  • Aristotele 
                  1. probable truth
                  2. non-mimetic literature proof exceptions of probability
                    1. fairytales, fantasy or science-fiction
                  3. entertainment / instruction provided: effect
                    1. pleasure and/or profit
                      1. aesthetic experience
                        1. moral/political judgement
                      2. author's experience/view of life: production
                        1. author's subjective expression
                          1. image of author's personality
                        2. artistic quality of the text itself: object
                          1. aesthetic object
                            1. art for art's sake
                        3. Literary genres
                          1. communication, mood, attitude, content, aesthetic effect


                            • Aristoteles (communication): - drama (characters speak/act) - epic narrative (author reports)
                          2. medium
                            1. oral literature


                              • modern form: poetry slam
                              1. written literature
                                1. audiovisual literature


                                  • spectacle in theatre and the cinema
                                2. codes
                                  1. rules governing writing/reading of texts
                                    1. offers ambiguous aesthetic information
                                3. Literary Studies
                                  1. Literary theory
                                    1. reflection (poses questions)
                                      1. answer: approach (guideline on reading texts)


                                        • implying assumptions about: -individual identity -society and culture ...
                                        1. its functions:
                                          1. awareness
                                            1. new perspectives
                                              1. understand secondary material
                                            2. Literary criticism
                                              1. description, analysis, interpretation, evaluation
                                                1. subjective impressions
                                                  1. central questions-oriented approach
                                                    1. critique, serious profound essay, article
                                                2. literary history
                                                  1. development of literature
                                                    1. canon - establishment and revision


                                                      • canon = list of important texts -> influence what is mainly read at schools & universities
                                                      1. subject to change!!
                                                  2. Literary criticism
                                                    1. critical edition
                                                      1. annotated edition
                                                        1. interpretation
                                                          1. Hermeneutics
                                                            1. dialogue
                                                          2. analysis
                                                          3. Literary history
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