Norman MacCaig Assisi Stanza 1


Mapa Mental sobre Norman MacCaig Assisi Stanza 1, creado por lorynduffus el 04/05/2015.
Mapa Mental por lorynduffus, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por lorynduffus hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Norman MacCaig Assisi Stanza 1
  1. "The dwarf with his hand on backwards"
    1. Metaphor
      1. Grotesque imagery
      2. "Slumped like a half-filled sack"
        1. Dehumanizes the beggar
          1. Deformed shell of a man
            1. Cannot support himself
            2. "Outside the three tiers of churches built in honour of St Francis"
              1. Juxtaposition
                1. Broken structure of beggar with powerful structure of church
                2. Inconguous
                  1. Architecturally complex building to honour a priest with plain, simple tastes and philosophies
                3. "He had the advantage of not being dead yet"
                  1. Bitter, caustic tone
                    1. Being alive is the single thing in the beggars favour
                      1. MacCaig implied it would be better if the beggar were dead rather than endure a terrible existance
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