Business Studies2


Business Studies
Mapa Mental por spareemails12, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por spareemails12 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Business Studies2
  1. Finance
    1. Sources Of Finance
      1. Revenue, Cost And Profit
        1. Cash Flow
          1. Breaking Even
            1. Financial Records
            2. Marketing
              1. Market Research/Unit 1
                1. The Marketing Mix
                  1. Price/Unit 2
                    1. Product/Unit 2
                      1. Place/Unit 2
                        1. Promotion/Unit 2
                      2. Production
                        1. Production Methods
                          1. Efficiency
                            1. Economies Of Scale
                              1. Quality
                                1. Stock Control
                                2. People In Business
                                  1. Organising Staff/Unit 2
                                    1. Recruitment/Unit 2
                                      1. Motivation/Unit 2
                                        1. Protecting Staff
                                          1. Communitcation
                                          2. Aims And Organisation
                                            1. Forms Of Business Ownership
                                              1. Aims And Objectives
                                                1. Business Growth
                                                  1. What Is A Business?
                                                    1. Why Set Up A Business
                                                    2. Business Environment
                                                      1. Skateholders
                                                        1. Ethics
                                                          1. Location
                                                            1. Business And The Environment
                                                              1. Economy
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                                                              CÁLCULO MENTAL
                                                              JL Cadenas
                                                              Inglés - Verbos Compuestos I (Phrasal Verbs)
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                                                              Repaso Romano
                                                              Lina Arevalo
                                                              Texto del FCE para Rellenar Espacios
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                                                              PARTES O ESTRUCTURA DE LA CÉLULA
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                                                              Sara Bermejo
                                                              MANUAL DE MUSCULOS DE MIEMBRO SUPERIOR
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                                                              CONTAMINACION AMBIENTAL
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