they are very intelligent
and interesting characters
from which you can learn
It is a story that
leaves you a moral of
union with friends
It is a story with magical,
fantastic, mystery,
comedy elements, among
It is a story with a mystery
and a riddle where they
make you think a little
Esteban: He is the typical child who takes
his mind, despite his curiosity, he is a
good and intelligent child.
Rita: She is the intelligent girl who is learning little
by little, the interesting girl who sometimes wants
to take command, she is Samuel's best friend
although he sometimes does not appreciate her
very much.
Simón: He is the typical child who takes them
all, skillful and intuitive, he is judicious and
intelligent and one of those who most
questions and knows Samuel.
Sebastián: he is a risky boy who likes adrenaline, but
always judiciously follows the orders of Samuel and
Samuel: He is the protagonist of the story, he
is the most daring and mature teenager with
good decisions, he is very intelligent and
They are some teenagers who are going to look for an adventure in the forest in the
middle of the pandemic, they already knew a little about that forest from their
grandparents, they talked and argued on the way through the forest; being there they
realized that the riddles read along the way became reality, the weather changed to
various seasons and they did not find a logical explanation, then they realized that it
was a magical place, because the truth is that many things happened senseless, going
deeper into the forest they found a magical creature (dragon) who was scared to see
them. they continued walking for a few more hours and found their treasure but
apparently it was not what they expected, they entered that small house that looked
like a cabin, and that from one moment to another began to change shape, some
friends of Samuel disappeared inside the house and others when he left it, until he
was alone and the only way to get out of there was to get the sword and kill the drag