

Mapa Mental sobre Drama, creado por Maik Seitz el 06/05/2015.
Maik Seitz
Mapa Mental por Maik Seitz, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Maik Seitz
Creado por Maik Seitz hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Dramatic text and theatrical performance
    1. scripts


      • -defining certain roles with particular: ->speech acts ->forms of behaviour
      1. frames


        • spatio-temporal (space-time) structures saturated with meaning  e.g. home, school, pub
      2. secondary text (Nebentext)
        1. primary text (Haupttext)
          1. diskrepant awareness (different levels of information between spectators/characters)
            1. external communication
              1. infernal communication
                1. congruent awarness (spectators/characters same info)
                  1. TRANSMISSION OF INFO
                  2. INTRODUCTION VS. EXPOSITION
                    1. dramatic introduction
                      1. atmosphere, Relation to to audience
                      2. exposition
                        1. initial/isolated
                          1. prologue
                            1. introducing characters, relevant context
                              1. forshadowing
                              2. creates suspense
                                1. dramatic irony
                                  1. character is not aware of what she says/does
                                  2. intentional irony
                                    1. between characters
                                  3. integrated
                                    1. reveals major problem
                                      1. analytic drama
                              3. Dramatic speech
                                1. dialogue, polylogue, aside, monologue, soliloquy
                                  1. conception of characters
                                    1. flat/round
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